Monday, November 29, 2010

Nov. 29, 2010

I don't even know the last time I sat down to write a few words. It has been too long, once again.

Today has been a full day, after searching online I found a laptop that interested me, sent him a message telling him I would love to purchase it if he hadn't already found a buyer, asked if he would contact my husband (since I was at work), found out he did, met him, traded money for computer and that was it! I am now the proud owner of a macbook (2009 edition). I am still learning Mac vs. PC and it isn't the easiest thing to do, but I am managing.

2011 is going to be a good year. I can feel it. Full of growth and therefore change. And even though I don't know what will happen within the next year, I believe that God is going to do some mighty things in my life.

One thing I do know is that I will do a much better job at keeping you updated on what is happening with my photography and travel and whatever else comes my way. I need to document things for my own benefit! So here is to organization, updating, sharing.

Until next time.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Gotta get creative!

Blog # 2

No, no. Don't expect me to remember and to keep in order every blog. Two isn't very far down the line, so I'm good.

Tonight I spent time at home with my sisters. Ok, ok... when I say that I spent time with them, this is what I mean: they were both tuned into one show or another on tv while I was sitting on the hard wood floor sifting through my little collection of glass beads. Every time I go into any craft store, I just can't fight the urge to buy. Something. Anything. A $3.04 purchase will do, it is rare but I promise you that it has happened. Of course most of my visits are a bit closer to $20 so I give myself a craft allowance. If I don't create something, ANYTHING, then I will go crazy. So here I am, sitting on my floor making some new earrings. They are so pretty I'm not sure that I can part with them! ;-)


After several failed attempts, Friday evening I was finally able to meet up with a friend who I met nearly eleven years ago, when we were both on a two-week mission trip to Honduras. We spent the better part of two hours at Barnes and Noble, chatting over our cold coffee drinks and catching up on the last decade. So many changes for both of us, so much time slipped away. Life has a way of taking you on a roller coaster ride and hits you with some difficult issues. But it also brings you true happiness and joy. Like right now we are both so happily in love that we can barely stand it! I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for me and with the one who holds my heart. Love is grand!

We made a decision that we won't let another ten years disappear from us without another visit. She was in town from Nebraska for a wedding. After her busy weekend (she was one of the bridesmaids), she was driving back out west only to pack up and keep driving further west! Her final destination is Washington state where she is moving back to. I have spent the last - almost - ten years here in Chattanooga. It has become home to me, and I love it.

After we said our good-bye's and she left (to get back to her chaotic wedding weekend) I went over to look through my favorites; the craft section. I found several books that I scanned over. One book in particular caught my fancy, Re-Bound: Creating Handmade Books from Recycled and Repurposed Materials. It is on my list of "Books in the Creative Corner". I have a few already, one is about lamp making, another is working with paper (which I am in love with, and if you already know me you will probably have already seen my huge paper collection). I just like creating! All that is to say that I am going to save some pretty pennies to get this awesome book. And shortly after I get my hands on it, you should be seeing the fruits of my labor. :o)

Stay tuned. . .


It took a long time to realize how important it is for me to be creative. Making something, anything! Tonight it was working with pretty pink glass beads and wooden teardrops, tomorrow it could be a photo shoot, or painting, next week it might be making paper cranes (which actually, I just learned how to make not too long ago!)

So whatever it is for you, this creativity, just jump in! Who cares if you don't know how yet, and who cares if it doesn't look exactly the way you want? You can't expect perfection the first time you try something new. Just keep playing around with new ideas and at some point - and probably when you least expect it - all the pieces will come together, like a puzzle. And all your efforts will make something beautiful. Don't just create for someone else. LOVE what you do! Love what you make! Create for yourself, and when you are comfortable with your beautiful piece of art, share it with others. Let them see what you have to offer!

Until next time my friends,

This is Chelsea signing off...

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Post # 1

This will be the first of many, trust me.

79 days until my own wedding and here I am trying to get another part of my life organized. I'm not quite sure why I feel the urge to get started now. . . There really is no time like the present, right?

I am a photographer.
I love people.
I love to photograph people.
I have the travel bug. I got it when I was 11.
I have a typical 9-5: I answer phones, make appointments and try and keep the patients happy.

I love weddings.
Creative people.
New ideas.

I'm looking forward to all the possibilites in the days, weeks, months and years to come!

Stay tuned.
